Rachael Teufel

All About Cake Boards

Rachael Teufel
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Duration:   13  mins


You have all your supplies ready to tackle that gorgeous cake floating around the internet, but have you thought about what goes underneath all those layers of sugar? These days cakes come in all different shapes and sizes, and one of the most important elements of any cake is the cake board. That’s right, cake boards come in many different options and serve many purposes. One thing is for sure, you need a strong cake base to support your creation, especially if you are transporting it. Some are made of cardboard, some are made of plastic, and some are even made with foam!

Join cake designer Rachael Teufel while she explains the differences between each style of cake board and helps you understand how to choose the perfect foundation for your future cake masterpiece. In this lesson she will also share her own preference when building her famous cakes as well as some tips for what you can do if you can’t find the right board in a store near you. Don’t let something as simple as a piece of cardboard come between you and your cake showpiece!

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