Fondant Spray Shine
Rachael TeufelDescription
Hi everyone, I'm Rachel Teufel. And one of the fun things about creating cakes is making them shiny. Now we have a couple of different ways to do that, but I'm gonna share the easiest way to do that. And that is with an edible glaze spray. There's a couple things you wanna be mindful of before you do that though, it will go everywhere.
So you wanna protect whatever surface you're using. So just use a couple of pieces of parchment, put it right on your turntable. This has just a little shortening on it so that these parchment papers will stick and won't run away. So just go ahead and place them. We'll get our cake on top.
Now, sometimes you're spraying just to get a beautiful shine to your cake. But one of the other things that I like about the edible spray is that it actually puts a water sealant on it, basically. So using this spray on your cake, if there were to be rain for instance, at the event that you're at and it's outside, there's any rain on it, that rain will just beat up and then dissipate. So there's a couple reasons why I like using this. I also really love using it to seal in any color.
For instance, if I were to paint on this cake with either luster dust or airbrush colors, just doing a light spray over top of it will lock in those colors as well. So they're not gonna bleed on you. So, give your bottle a good shake and just gently, evenly spray over your cake and then spin it and spray some more. One more spray here and I think we're back to the beginning. Now, if you feel like your cake needs additional spray on it, either to lock in color or just to make it shiny, wait at least 10 to 15 minutes for this layer to dry, and then you can re spray it.
It's better to do it in multiple layers of spray, rather than just dowsing this because this spray, while it dries quickly, if you put too much in one location, it will actually start to pool and damage your cake. So go easy on it, do it in lots of layers and you'll make a beautifully shiny fondant cake.
I’ve heard that PME spray loses its shine after a day or two. Is that correct?