Gum Paste Flower Basics: The Leaf
Rachael TeufelDescription
First, she walks you though coloring gum paste, then demonstrates how to use a celboard and how to cut and thin each leaf. The half on half off rule is guaranteed to result in realistic paper-thin edges. Included are tips and tricks on eliminating the celboard groove at the top of the leaf, inserting wires with out breaking though, lining up leaves of different sizes in the same silicone veiner, fixing mistakes and drying without formers or drying rack.
Finally, she shows you how to color the leaf with powdered petal dust making the edges, stems and veins come to life. Rachael encourages you to play with the leaves to accentuate movement creating visual interest and embrace little imperfections that will make it look more realistic. Once you have mastered this technique, it can be applied to a number of different wired leaves and petals.
For more information on the gum paste and tools featured in this video, check out Rachael’s free video on Gum Paste Flowers.